If you were tested for COVID-19 at MU Health Care, see below to learn what to do based on your results.
If you are looking for information on how to get tested, visit our testing page.
When you are tested at MU Health Care, the test results notification process differs based on your results. Note: Results should be available within 48 hours.
Positive Test Result
If your test result is positive, you will be notified via a message in the HealthConnect portal. If you don't have a HealthConnect account, you can sign up here.
You may feel symptoms such as cough and fever for 14 days. As long as you are able to manage the symptoms from home, you should stay there.
Currently, the recommended time frame for isolation is five (5) days. If you have symptoms, day zero is your first day of symptoms, regardless of when you were tested. If you were tested without symptoms, day zero is your test date. This applies to everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
- Stay home through day five (5). The first day you should consider leaving isolation is day six (6).
- You can leave isolation on day six (6) if:
- You have no symptoms.
- Your symptoms have improved and you have been fever-free, without fever-reducing medication, for at least 24 hours.
- Continue to wear a mask around others for an additional five (5) days, or until you return consecutive negative antigen test results 48 hours apart.
If you have trouble breathing or if you experience nausea or vomiting and cannot keep down liquids, become lightheaded, or have any other severe symptoms, you should go to the Emergency Department or call 911. If you do need to visit the Emergency Department, call ahead to let them know you have tested positive for COVID-19 (or tell 911) so they can prepare for your visit.
If you have a confirmed positive result and are experiencing symptoms, you may be eligible for an outpatient treatment option, based on when your symptoms started. MU Health Care has a limited supply of these medications, and individuals who are immunocompromised or at-risk for severe disease will be given priority. Patients who may meet eligibility requirements should contact their primary care provider to get a referral. Learn more about COVID-19 outpatient treatment availability and eligibility.
If you have additional non-emergent questions, please call the Missouri Novel Coronavirus Information Hotline at 877-435-8411 (available 24/7).
Negative Test Result
If your test result is negative, you will be notified via a message in the HealthConnect portal. If you don't have a HealthConnect account, you can sign up here.
If you test negative, you probably were not infected at the time your sample was collected. The test result only means that you did not have COVID-19 at the time of testing. Continue to take steps to protect yourself.
If you continue to have symptoms, it is important that you monitor yourself as you recover. Practice good hand hygiene and social distancing if you are continuing to have cough or fever. Use over-the-counter therapies as directed for relief of your symptoms.
Please remain home until you’re no longer experiencing symptoms and are free of fever for 24 hours. If you have worsening symptoms or are not improving within the next three days, please follow up with your primary care provider.
If you develop shortness of breath, chest pain, or other severe symptoms, please consider going to your local Emergency Department.
If you have additional questions, please call the Missouri Novel Coronavirus Information Hotline at 877-435-8411 (available 24/7).