If you are a referring provider, we can help connect you to the appropriate University of Missouri Health Care medical professionals, programs and services for your patients.
If you are a referring provider and have had a change in demographics, please start the process to update our database.
Use the following menu options:
- For heart attacks (STEMIs), admissions and emergent evaluations, press “1.”
- For clinical appointments, press “2.”
- For ancillary scheduling (cardiac testing, neurophysiology lab, pulmonary function lab or sleep study appointments), press “3.”
- For all other calls, press “0.”
To obtain or send patient records, please use the fax line 573-884-3627.
Important contacts
Women’s and Children’s Critical Care Transport Service
855-MU4-KIDS (855-684-5437) and press “1” for transport.
Office of Network Development
Medical Records/Chart Connect Support